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Lecture 14

(Notes by Thomas Lively)

Front matter

Chickadee updates

Wait queue enqueue bug

Unix FFS design

Can find data blocks for first 4096 x 10 bytes in inode, after that need to look in indirect (or doubly indirect) block.

Adding byte to empty file

  1. find free block (using bitmap)
  2. mark as allocated (using bitmap)
  3. store data in block
  4. link block from inode

FFS Correctness

Want to survive things like power outages without data loss/corruption.


  1. Every block is used for one purpose
  2. Every referenced block is initialized
  3. Every referenced block is allocated
  4. Every unreferenced block is free (break this one)

Allocate 11th block (bad order)

  1. find free block for data
  2. write data to data block
  3. write data block ptr to indirect block
  4. write indirect ptr to inode
  5. find free block for indirect block
  6. mark data allocated
  7. mark indirect block allocated

Crashing after (4) leaves garbage in file. Lots of bad orders, few good orders!

Allocate 11th block (good order)

  1. find free block for data
  2. write data to data block (worst possibility is lost final write)
  3. find free block for indirect block
  4. write data block ptr to indirect block (ok because indirect block is free)
  5. mark data block allocated (could leak 1 block)
  6. mark indirect block allocated (could leak 2 blocks)

Size is updated when inodes are written (entire inode updated atomically)

FFS Speed

Naively ~7 disk round trips for a single write (suuuuuuper slow)

Can writes be coalesced with writes from other processes?

Soft updates

(Redo) Journaling

  1. log written blocks in a journal (fast) so they can be redone after crash
  2. write commit records to group transactions
  3. write to FS in any order
  4. write a completion record to journal

There is a recovery procedure that runs after a crash, replaying writes from the journal

Journal records idempotent actions (they can be done 1 or more times)

Can avoid write barrier after (1) by using checksum in commit record