Lab 4: Preemptive Multitasking and More
Handed out Monday, November 15
Due Monday, November 29
In this lab you will implement preemptive multitasking among multiple
simultaneously active user-mode environments.
In part 1, you will implement a Unix-like fork() function,
which allows one user-mode environment to fork off other, "child"
environments, which start off as virtual "clones" of the parent but
can subsequently execute independently of the parent.
In part 2 you will add support for inter-process
communication (IPC), allowing different user-mode environments to
communicate and synchronize with each other explicitly. You will also
add support for hardware clock interrupts and preemption.
Getting Started
Download the Lab 4 code from lab4.tar.gz , and port your code into it
using the gmake patch procedure as usual. Make sure you keep
the lab4.tar.gz tarball around! There will definitely be
updates to the lab.
Lab Requirements
You will need to do all of the regular exercises described in the lab.
It will also be to your benefit to complete at least one challenge problem.
(You do not need to do one challenge problem per part,
just one for the whole lab.)
There's no need to write up answers to the questions this time, but do
write up a short (e.g., one or two paragraph) description of what you did
to solve your chosen challenge problem.
If you implement more than one challenge problem,
you only need to describe one of them in the write-up,
though of course you are welcome to do more.
Place the write-up in a file called answers.txt (plain text)
or answers.html (HTML format)
in the top level of your lab4 directory
before handing in your work.
Note! Part 3 of this lab is due with the rest of Lab 5, not
Lab 4. But it will be to your advantage to get it done now anyway!
Part 1: Copy-on-Write Fork
As mentioned earlier,
Unix provides the fork() system call
as its primary process creation primitive.
The fork() system call
copies the address space of the calling process (the parent)
to create a new process (the child).
Early versions of Unix implemented fork() by copying the parent's
entire data segment into a new memory region allocated for the child.
This is essentially the same approach taken by
our dumbfork() function from Lab 3.
This memory copying
is generally by far
the most expensive part of the fork() operation.
However, a call to fork()
is often followed almost immediately
by a call to exec() in the child process,
which clears out the child process's address space
and loads a new program in its place.
(This is what the the shell typically does, for example.)
In this case,
most of the laborious work of address space copying is useless,
because the child process will probably actually touch
very little of its memory
before calling exec() to execute a new program.
For this reason,
later versions of Unix took advantage
of more advanced virtual memory hardware
to allow the parent and child to share
the memory mapped into their respective address spaces
until one of the processes actually modifies it.
This technique is known as copy-on-write.
To do this,
on fork() the kernel would
merely copy the address space mappings
from the parent to the child
instead of the actual contents of the mapped pages,
and at the same time mark the now-shared pages read-only.
When one of the two processes tries to write to one of these shared pages,
the process takes a page fault.
At this point, the Unix kernel realizes that the page
was really a "virtual" or "copy-on-write" copy,
and so it makes a new, private copy of the page for the faulting process.
In this way, the contents of individual pages aren't actually copied
until they are actually written to.
This optimization makes a fork() followed by
an exec() in the child much cheaper:
the child will probably only need to copy one page
(the current page of its stack)
before it calls exec() .
In the next piece of this lab, you will implement "proper"
Unix-like fork() functionality with copy-on-write,
as a user space library routine.
Implementing fork() and copy-on-write support in user space
has the benefit that the kernel remains much simpler
and thus more likely to be correct.
It also lets individual user-mode programs
define their own semantics for fork() .
A program that wants a slightly different implementation
(for example, the expensive always-copy version like dumbfork(),
or one in which the parent and child actually share memory afterward)
can easily provide its own.
User-level page fault handling
The first thing we must do
in order to allow user-mode code
to implement true copy-on-write fork() functionality
is to enable user-mode programs to handle their own page faults
instead of depending on the kernel to do so.
Copy-on-write is only one of many possible uses
for user-level page fault handling, however.
Most page faults encountered during normal program execution
are usually fixable.
For example,
most Unix kernels initially map only a single page
in a new process's stack region,
and allocate and map additional stack pages later "on demand"
as the process's stack consumption increases
and causes page faults on stack pages that are not yet mapped.
A typical Unix kernel must track, for each user-mode process,
the various regions of memory that are mapped
and what to do when faults happen in them.
For example,
a fault in the stack region will typically
allocate and map in a new page.
A fault in the program's BSS region will typically map in a
new page and also make sure it is zeroed.
In systems with demand-paged executables,
a fault in the text region will read the corresponding page
of the binary off of disk and then map it in.
This is a lot of information for the kernel to track and get right.
Instead of taking the traditional Unix approach,
in JOS we push this fault handling functionality into user space,
where bugs are less damaging.
This design has the added benefit of allowing
programs great flexibility in defining their memory regions.
Not only do we get the ability to implement copy-on-write fork(),
but we will use user-level page fault handling later
for mapping and accessing files on a disk-based file system.
Setting the Page Fault Handler
In order to handle its own page faults,
a user environment will need to register
a page fault upcall with the JOS kernel.
The user environment registers its page fault upcall
via the new sys_set_pgfault_upcall system call.
We have added a new member to the Env structure,
to record this information.
Exercise 1.
Implement the sys_set_pgfault_upcall system call
in kern/syscall.c , and hook it up to syscall .
When looking up the environment ID of the target environment,
be sure to enable permission checking
by passing 1 as envid2env 's checkperm parameter,
since this is also a "dangerous" system call.
Normal and Exception Stacks in User Environments
During normal execution,
a user environment in JOS
will run on the normal user stack:
its ESP register starts out pointing at USTACKTOP,
and the stack data it pushes resides on the page
between USTACKTOP-PGSIZE and USTACKTOP-1 inclusive.
When a page fault occurs in user mode,
the kernel will restart the user environment
running a designated user-level page fault handler
on a different stack,
namely the user exception stack.
In essence, we will make the JOS kernel
implement automatic "stack switching" functionality
on behalf of the user environment,
in much the same way that the x86 processor
already implements stack switching functionality on behalf of JOS
when transferring from user mode to kernel mode!
The JOS user exception stack is also one page in size,
and its top is defined to be at virtual address UXSTACKTOP ,
so the valid bytes of the user exception stack
are from UXSTACKTOP-PGSIZE through UXSTACKTOP-1 inclusive.
While running on this exception stack,
the user-level page fault handler
can use JOS's regular system calls to map new pages or adjust mappings
so as to fix whatever problem originally caused the page fault.
Then the user-level page fault handler returns,
via an assembly language stub,
to the faulting code on the original stack.
This return takes place entirely in user mode!
The sequence of events will look like this:
- Normal user code causes a page fault.
- The processor saves its state and branches to the kernel's IDT entry
for page faults, which calls
page_fault_handler .
- The kernel sets up an exception frame on the user exception stack and
branches to the environment's page fault upcall. All registers have the
same values as when the fault happened, except for
%esp , which
points to the exception frame; %eip , which points to the page
fault upcall; and %eflags .
- The page fault upcall handles the page fault, making sure to save any
important register values.
- After restoring the register values, the page fault upcall branches
directly to the
%eip that caused the fault.
Each user environment that wants to support user-level page fault handling
will need to allocate memory for its own exception stack, using the
sys_page_alloc() system call introduced in Lab
Invoking the User Page Fault Handler
You will now need to
change the page fault handling code in kern/trap.c
to handle page faults from user mode as follows.
We will call the state of the user environment at the time of the
fault the trap-time state.
If there is no page fault handler registered,
the JOS kernel destroys the user environment with a message as before.
the kernel sets up a trap frame on the exception stack that looks like this:
empty -4
empty -8
empty -12
empty -16
empty -20
trap-time eip -24
trap-time eflags -28
trap-time esp -32
tf_err (error code) -36
fault_va -40 <-- %esp when handler is run
The kernel then arranges for the user environment to resume execution
with the page fault handler
running on the exception stack with this stack frame.
(You must figure out how to make this happen.)
Each empty line in the frame above is simply
a 32-bit word-size space on the exception stack
that the kernel does not initialize,
but which the fault handler in the user environment can use.
The fault_va is the virtual address
at which the page fault occurred.
If the user environment is already running on the user exception stack
when an exception occurs,
then the page fault handler itself has faulted.
In this case,
you should start the new stack frame just under the current
tf->tf_esp rather than at UXSTACKTOP :
(...existing contents
of exception stack...)
-0 <-- tf->tf_esp
empty -4
empty -8
empty -12
empty -16
empty -20
trap-time eip -24
trap-time eflags -28
trap-time esp -32
tf_err (error code) -36
fault_va -40 <-- %esp when handler is run
To test whether tf->tf_esp is already on the user
exception stack, check whether it is in the range
between UXSTACKTOP-PGSIZE and UXSTACKTOP-1, inclusive.
Exercise 2.
Implement the code in kern/trap.c
required to dispatch page faults to the user-mode handler.
Be sure to take appropriate precautions
when writing into the exception stack.
(What happens if the user environment runs out of space
on the exception stack?)
User-mode Page Fault Entrypoint
Next, you need to implement the assembly routine that will
take care of calling the C page fault handler and resume
execution at the original faulting instruction.
This assembly routine is the handler that will be registered
with the kernel using sys_set_pgfault_upcall().
Exercise 3.
Implement the _pgfault_upcall routine
in lib/pfentry.S .
There is a commented outline there to help you along.
You may find it useful to reread the description from the beginning
of this section as well.
Three of the empty words in the stack frame created by the kernel above
are for the assembly routine to use to save
the caller-saved registers before moving on to C code.
(We must save the caller-saved registers -- %eax , %ecx , and
%edx -- because when we return from the fault
with ret , all registers should have the same values as
the fault; but the C page fault handler is free to
modify the caller-saved registers.)
The other two are important for the recursive fault case;
see the comment in the lab.
You may want to draw a stack diagram for the recursive case
and carefully examine how each word gets used
at each point during the execution of the fault handler
in order to figure out how to use these words correctly.
Finally, you need to implement the C user library side
of the user-level page fault handling mechanism.
Exercise 4.
Finish set_pgfault_handler()
in lib/pgfault.c .
Change kern/init.c to run user/faultread .
Build your kernel and run it. You should see:
[00000000] new env 00000400
[00000000] new env 00000401
[00000401] user fault va 00000000 ip 0080003a
TRAP frame ...
[00000401] free env 00000401
Change kern/init.c to run user/faultdie .
Build your kernel and run it. You should see:
[00000000] new env 00000400
[00000000] new env 00000401
i faulted at va deadbeef, err 6
[00000401] exiting gracefully
[00000401] free env 00000401
Change kern/init.c to run user/faultalloc .
Build your kernel and run it. You should see:
[00000000] new env 00000400
[00000000] new env 00000401
fault deadbeef
this string was faulted in at deadbeef
fault cafebffe
fault cafec000
this string was faulted in at cafebffe
[00000401] exiting gracefully
[00000401] free env 00000401
If you see only the first "this string" line,
it means you are not handling
recursive page faults properly.
Change kern/init.c to run user/faultallocbad .
Build your kernel and run it. You should see:
[00000000] new env 00000400
[00000000] new env 00000401
[00000401] PFM_KILL va deadbeef ip f010263d
TRAP frame ...
[00000401] free env 00000401
(Your ip may differ from ours but should begin f01 .)
Make sure you understand why user/faultalloc and
user/faultallocbad behave differently.
Extend your kernel so that not only page faults,
but all types of processor exceptions
that code running in user space can generate,
can be redirected to a user-mode exception handler.
Write user-mode test programs
to test user-mode handling of various exceptions
such as divide-by-zero, general protection fault,
and illegal opcode.
Implementing Copy-on-Write Fork
We now have the facilities
to implement full copy-on-write fork functionality,
entirely in user space.
We have provided a skeleton for your fork() function
in lib/fork.c.
Like dumbfork(),
fork() creates a new environment,
then scans through the parent environment's entire address space
and sets up corresponding page mappings in the child.
The key difference is that,
while dumbfork() copied entire pages,
fork() will initially only copy page mappings.
Notice that the duppage() helper function in dumbfork
calls sys_page_alloc() to allocate a new page of physical memory
for each page in the parent,
and then calls memcpy() to copy the contents of the parent's page
into the child's new page.
These calls to memcpy() represent the bulk of the time
dumbfork() takes to run,
and so fork() attempts to "optimize away" most of this page copying
by copying pages lazily only when they are actually modified.
The basic control flow for fork() is as follows:
- The parent installs
as the C-level page fault handler,
using the set_pgfault_handler() function
you implemented above.
- The parent calls
sys_exofork() to allocate
a child environment.
- For each writable or copy-on-write page in its address space below UTOP,
the parent maps the page copy-on-write into the address
space of the child and then remaps the page copy-on-write
in its own address space.
The exception stack is not remapped this way, however.
Instead you need to allocate a fresh page in the child for
the exception stack. Since the page fault handler will be
doing the actual copying and the page fault handler runs
on the exception stack, the exception stack cannot be made
copy-on-write: who would copy it?
- The parent sets the page fault upcall for the child
to look like its own.
- The child is now ready to run, so the parent marks it runnable.
After the fork,
both processes will take page faults
when the code they run attempts to write to a page
that hasn't been copied yet.
Here's the control flow for the user page fault handler:
- The kernel propagates the page fault to
_pgfault_upcall ,
which calls fork()'s pgfault() handler.
pgfault() checks that the fault is a write
(check err & FEC_WR ) and that the PTE for the page is
marked PTE_COW (copy-on-write).
If not, it panics.
pgfault() allocates a new page mapped
at a temporary location (namely, PFTEMP ) and copies
the contents of the faulting page contents into it.
Then the fault handler maps the new page at the
appropriate address with read/write permissions,
in place of the old read-only mapping.
Exercise 5.
Implement fork and pgfault
in lib/fork.c .
Test your code with the forktree program.
It should produce the following messages,
with interspersed 'new env', 'free env',
and 'exiting gracefully' messages:
0401: I am ''
0402: I am '0'
0801: I am '00'
0802: I am '000'
0403: I am '1'
0c01: I am '11'
0c02: I am '10'
1001: I am '100'
0803: I am '110'
0404: I am '01'
1401: I am '011'
0c03: I am '010'
0405: I am '001'
0406: I am '111'
0407: I am '101'
Implement a shared-memory fork
called sfork . This version should have the parent
and child sharing all their memory pages
(writes in one environment appear in the other)
except for pages in the stack area,
which should be treated in the usual copy-on-write manner.
Modify user/forktree.c
to use sfork() instead of regular fork().
Also, once you have finished implementing IPC in part C,
use your sfork() to run user/pingpongs .
You will have to find a new way to provide the functionality
of the global env pointer.
Challenge! The current
copy-on-write fork copies more pages than necessary.
In particular, if both the parent and the child write to a page,
then that page will be copied twice: once in the parent, and
once in the child. The second of these copies is clearly
unnecessary. Write a version of fork that can avoid
this second copy in some circumstances. Make sure you correctly
handle the case where more than two environments share a
copy-on-write page.
Your implementation of fork
makes a huge number of system calls. On the x86, switching into
the kernel has non-trivial cost. Augment the system call interface
so that it is possible to send a batch of system calls at once.
Then change fork to use this interface.
How much faster is your new fork ?
You can answer this (roughly) by using analytical
arguments to estimate how much of an improvement batching
system calls will make to the performance of your
fork: How expensive is an int 0x30
instruction? How many times do you execute int 0x30
in your fork? Is accessing the TSS stack
switch also expensive? And so on...
Alternatively, you can boot your kernel on real hardware
and really benchmark your code. See the RDTSC
(read time-stamp counter) instruction, defined in the IA32
manual, which counts the number of clock cycles that have
elapsed since the last processor reset. Bochs doesn't emulate
this instruction faithfully.
This ends part 1. As usual, you can grade your submission with gmake
grade and hand it in by emailing me the results of gmake
tarball .
Part 2: Preemptive Multitasking and Inter-Process communication (IPC)
In the final part of lab 4
we will enhance the JOS kernel's support for multiple environments
by allowing the kernel to preempt uncooperative environments
and by allowing environments to pass messages to each other explicitly.
Clock Interrupts and Preemption
Modify kern/init.c to run the user/spin test program.
This test program forks off a child process,
which simply spins forever in a tight loop
once it receives control of the CPU.
Neither the parent process nor the kernel ever regains the CPU.
This is obviously not an ideal situation
in terms of protecting the system from bugs or malicious code
in user-mode environments,
because any user-mode environment can bring the whole system to a halt
simply by getting into an infinite loop and never giving back the CPU.
In order to allow the kernel to preempt a running environment,
forcefully retake control of the CPU from it,
we must extend the JOS kernel to support external hardware interrupts.
In particular, we'll program the hardware to generate clock interrupts
which will force control back to the kernel
where we can switch control to a different user environment.
Interrupt discipline
External interrupts (i.e., device interrupts) are refered as IRQs.
There are 16 possible IRQs, numbered 0 through 15.
The mapping from IRQ number to IDT entry is not fixed.
Pic_init in picirq.c maps IRQs 0-15
to interrupts IRQ_OFFSET through IRQ_OFFSET+15 .
In kern/picirq.h,
IRQ_OFFSET is defined to be decimal 32.
Thus the IDT entries 32-47 correspond to the IRQs 0-15.
The clock interrupt is IRQ 0,
so IDT[32] contains the address of
the clock's interrupt handler routine in the kernel.
The IRQ_OFFSET of 32 was chosen so that the device interrupts
do not overlap with the processor exceptions,
which could obviously cause confusion.
(In fact, in the early days of PCs running MS-DOS,
the IRQ_OFFSET effectively was zero,
which indeed caused massive confusion between handling hardware interrupts
and handling processor exceptions!)
In JOS, we make a key simplification compared to Unix.
External device interrupts are always disabled
when in the kernel and always enabled when in user space.
External interrupts are controlled by the FL_IF flag bit
of the %eflags register
(see inc/mmu.h).
When this bit is set, external interrupts are enabled.
While the bit can be modified in several ways,
because of our simplification, we will handle it solely
through the process of saving and restoring %eflags register
as we enter and leave user mode.
You will have to ensure that the FL_IF flag is set in
user processes when they run so that when an interrupt arrives, it
gets passed through to the processor and handled by your interrupt code.
Otherwise, interrupts are masked,
or ignored until interrupts are re-enabled.
Interrupts are masked by default after processor reset,
and so far we have simply never gotten around to enabling them.
Exercise 6.
Modify kern/trapentry.S and kern/trap.c
to initialize the appropriate entries in the IDT
and provide handlers for IRQs 0 through 15.
Make sure that all entry points into the kernel
turn off interrupts. (Check the calls to SETGATE .
You might want to re-read section 9.2 of the
80386 Reference Manual,
or section 5.8 of the
IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 3.)
Then modify the code in env_alloc()
to ensure that user environments are always run with
interrupts enabled.
The processor never pushes an error code
or checks the Descriptor Privilege Level (DPL) of the IDT entry
when invoking a hardware interrupt handler.
After doing this exercise,
if you run your kernel with any test program
that runs for a non-trivial length of time
(e.g., dumbfork),
you should see a kernel panic shortly into the program's execution,
followed by some strange output from JOS.
This is because our code has set up the clock hardware
to generate clock interrupts,
and interrupts are now enabled in the processor,
but JOS isn't yet handling them.
Handling Clock Interrupts
Now, you'll write the code to handle clock interrupts.
(The calls to pic_init and kclock_init
in init.c , which we have written for you,
set up the clock and the interrupt controller to generate interrupts, but
JOS doesn't handle them yet.)
Exercise 7.
Modify the kernel's trap() function
so that it calls sched_yield()
to find and run a different environment
whenever a clock interrupt takes place.
You should now be able to get the user/spin test to work:
the parent process should fork off the child,
sys_yield() to it a couple times
but in each case regain control of the CPU after one time slice,
and finally kill the child process and terminate gracefully.
Some questions for you:
- How many instruction of user code are executed between each
- How many instructions of kernel code are executed to handle the
Hint: use the
vb command mentioned earlier.
Inter-Process communication (IPC)
(Technically in JOS this is "inter-environment communication" or "IEC",
but everyone else calls it IPC, so we'll use the standard
We've been focusing on the isolation aspects of the operating
system, the ways it provides the illusion that each program
has a machine all to itself. Another important service of
an operating system is to allow programs to communicate
with each other when they want to. It can be quite powerful
to let programs interact with other programs. The Unix
pipe model is the canonical example.
There are many models for interprocess communication. Even
today there are still debates about which models are better
for various reasons. We won't get into that debate.
Instead, we'll implement a simple IPC mechanism and then try it out.
You will implement a few additional JOS kernel system calls
that collectively provide a simple interprocess communication mechanism.
You will implement two
system calls, sys_ipc_recv and
sys_ipc_try_send .
Then you will implement two library wrappers
ipc_recv and ipc_send .
The "messages" that user environments can send to each other
using JOS's IPC mechanism
consist of two components:
a single 32-bit value,
and optionally a single page mapping.
Allowing environments to pass page mappings in messages
provides an efficient way to transfer more data
than will fit into a single 32-bit integer,
and also allows environments to set up shared memory arrangements easily.
Sending and Receiving Messages
To receive a message, an environment calls
sys_ipc_recv .
This system call deschedules the current
environment and does not run it again until a message has
been received.
When an environment is waiting to receive a message,
any other environment can send it a message -
not just a particular environment,
and not just environments that have a parent/child arrangement
with the receiving environment.
In other words, the permission checking used in Lab 3's system calls
will not apply to IPC,
because the IPC system calls are carefully designed so as to be "safe":
an environment cannot cause another environment to malfunction
simply by sending it messages
(unless the target environment is also buggy).
To try to send a value, an environment calls
sys_ipc_try_send with both the receiver's
environment id and the value to be sent. If the named
environment is actually receiving (it has called
sys_ipc_recv and not gotten a value yet),
then the send delivers the message and returns 0. Otherwise
the send returns -E_IPC_NOT_RECV to indicate
that the target environment is not currently expecting
to receive a value.
A library function ipc_recv in user space will take care
of calling sys_ipc_recv and then looking up
the information about the received values in the current
environment's struct Env .
Similarly, a library function ipc_send will
take care of repeatedly calling sys_ipc_try_send
until the send succeeds. Transferring Pages
When an environment calls sys_ipc_recv
with a dstva parameter below UTOP ,
the environment is stating that it is willing to receive a page mapping.
If the sender sends a page,
then that page should be mapped at dstva
in the receiver's address space.
If the receiver already had a page mapped at dstva ,
then that previous page is unmapped.
When an environment calls sys_ipc_try_send
with a srcva parameter below UTOP ,
it means the sender wants to send the page
currently mapped at srcva to the receiver,
with permissions perm .
After a successful IPC,
the sender keeps its original mapping
for the page at srcva in its address space,
but the receiver also obtains a mapping for this same physical page
at the dstva originally specified by the receiver,
in the receiver's address space.
As a result this page becomes shared between the sender and receiver.
If either the sender or the receiver does not indicate
that a page should be transferred,
then no page is transferred.
After any IPC
the kernel sets the new field env_ipc_perm
in the receiver's Env structure
to the permissions of the page received,
or zero if no page was received.
Implementing IPC
Exercise 8.
Implement sys_ipc_recv and
sys_ipc_try_send in kern/syscall.c .
When you call envid2env in these routines, you should
set the checkperm flag to 0,
meaning that any environment is allowed to send
IPC messages to any other environment,
and the kernel does no special permission checking
other than verifying that the target envid is valid.
Then implement the user versions,
ipc_recv and ipc_send ,
in lib/ipc.c .
Use the user/pingpong and user/primes functions
to test your IPC mechanism.
You might find it interesting to read user/primes.c
to see all the forking and IPC going on behind the scenes.
The ipc_send function is not very fair.
Run three copies of user/fairness and you will
see this problem. The first two copies are both trying to send to
the third copy, but only one of them will ever succeed.
Make the IPC fair, so that each copy has approximately
equal chance of succeeding.
Why does ipc_send
have to loop? Change the system call interface so it
doesn't have to. Make sure you can handle multiple
environments trying to send to one environment at the
same time.
The prime sieve is only one neat use of
message passing between a large number of concurrent programs.
Read C. A. R. Hoare, "Communicating Sequential Processes,"
Communications of the ACM 21(8) (August 1978), 666-667,
and implement the matrix multiplication example.
Make JOS's IPC mechanism more efficient
by applying some of the techniques from Liedtke's paper,
"Improving IPC by Kernel Design",
or any other tricks you may think of.
Feel free to modify the kernel's system call API for this purpose,
as long as your code is backwards compatible
with what our grading scripts expect.
Generalize the JOS IPC interface so it is more like L4's,
supporting more complex message formats.
This ends part 2. As usual, you can grade your submission with
gmake grade . If you are trying to figure out why a particular
test case is failing, run sh grade.sh -v , which will show you
the output of the kernel builds and Bochs runs for each test, until a test
fails. When a test fails, the script will stop, and then you can inspect
bochs.out to see what the kernel actually printed.
Part 3: Kernel Binaries
Note! Part 3 of this lab is due with the rest of Lab 5, not
Lab 4. But it will be to your advantage to get it done now anyway!
In this portion of the lab, you'll implement spawn , a
library OS function that creates a new environment, loads a program image
from the kernel, and then starts the child environment running this
program. The parent process then continues running independently of the
child. The spawn function acts effectively like a UNIX
fork followed by an immediate exec .
We're implementing spawn rather than a UNIX-style
exec because spawn is easier to implement from
user space in "exokernel fashion", without special help from the
kernel. Think about what you would have to do in order to implement
exec in user space, and be sure you understand why it is
In later labs, you'll load program images from a tiny file system. But
we don't have a file system yet, so we've introduced a special system
call, sys_kernbin_page_alloc , that you'll use to load at
user level the user program images that are linked into the kernel.
sys_kernbin_page_alloc allocates a page of memory in a
destination environment, then copies data from a named binary image (such
as "dumbfork" or "faultbadalloc" ) into that
Exercise 9. Read the header
comment on the sys_kernbin_page_alloc function in
kern/syscall.c and make sure you understand it. Change
your syscall() function to dispatch the relevant system
call to sys_kernbin_page_alloc .
Mini-Challenge: Delete the body of
sys_kernbin_page_alloc before you read it, then
implement it from the documentation. Check out
kern/kernbin.h .
The other new system call you'll use is sys_set_trapframe ,
which lets an environment set its children's struct
Trapframe (or its own) to an arbitrary value. Our
spawn will call sys_set_trapframe to make the
child process start executing the loaded program, rather than starting at
the location of the instruction immediately following the parent's
sys_exofork .
Exercise 10. Read the header
comment on the sys_set_trapframe function in
kern/syscall.c and make sure you understand it. Change
your syscall() function to dispatch the relevant system
call to sys_set_trapframe .
Mini-Challenge: Delete the body of
sys_set_trapframe before you read it, then implement
it from the documentation.
The skeleton for the spawn function is in
lib/spawn.c . We will put off the implementation of
argument passing until the next exercise. Fill in
spawn so that it operates roughly as follows:
- Read in the ELF header of the named binary using
sys_kernbin_page_alloc .
- Create a new environment.
- Allocate a stack at
USTACKTOP - PGSIZE using the provided
init_stack function.
- Load the program text, data, and bss at the appropriate addresses
specified in the ELF executable, by filling in the
load_segment helper function. Don't forget to clear to
zero any portions of these program segments that are not loaded
from the executable file, and to set the program's entry
- Initialize the child's register state using the new
sys_set_trapframe system call.
- Start the environment running!
Exercise 11. Finish spawn and
load_segment .
Test your code by changing kern/init.c to run the
user_spawnhello program. This should print out something
like this, as the "parent environment" spawns off the hello
[00000000] new env 00000401
i am parent environment 00000401
[00000401] new env 00000402
[00000401] exiting gracefully
[00000401] free env 00000401
hello, world
i am environment 00000402
[00000402] exiting gracefully
[00000402] free env 00000402
Challenge! Implement Unix-style exec.
Last but not least, you'll update init_stack in
lib/spawn.c to pass any command-line arguments into the
spawned process, via argc and argv . There's
only one way to pass data to a process: stick that data in a page, map
that page in the process's memory space, and pass the process a pointer
to the data. In JOS, we save space by storing the arguments on the child
process's initial stack page!
There are two components of this work: what the parent does and what
the child does.
On the parent side,
spawn must setup the new environment's initial stack page
so that the arguments are available to the child's umain() function.
The parent formats the memory
according to the following diagram.
| block of | Block of strings. In the example
| memory | "simple", "-f", "foo", "-c", and
| holding NULL | "junk" would be stored here.
| terminated |
| argv strings |
| &argv[n] | Next, comes the argv array--an array of
| . | pointers to the string. Each &argv[*] points
| . | into the "block of strings" above.
| . |
| &argv[1] |
| &argv[0] |<-.
+--------------+ |
| argv ptr |__/ In the body of umain, access to argc
%esp -> | argc | and argv reference these two values.
If these values are on the stack when umain is called,
then umain will be able to access its arguments via the
int argc and char* argv[] parameters.
Warning: the diagram shows the memory at USTACKTOP since this
is where it will be mapped in the child's address space. However, be
careful! When the parent formats the arguments, it must do so at a
temporary address, since it can't (well, shouldn't) map over its own stack.
Similarly, take care when setting the pointers argv ptr ,
&argv[0] .. &argv[n] . These pointers
need to account for the fact that the data will be remapped into the child
Exercise 12. Finish
init_stack .
Test your code by changing kern/init.c to run the
user_spawninit program. This should print out something
like this, as the "parent environment" spawns off the init
[00000000] new env 00000401
i am parent environment 00000401
[00000401] new env 00000402
[00000401] exiting gracefully
[00000401] free env 00000401
init: running
init: data seems okay
init: bss seems okay
init: args: 'init' 'one' 'two'
init: exiting
[00000402] exiting gracefully
[00000402] free env 00000402
Challenge! Implement Unix-like environment variables.
On the child side, spawn examines the
entry path of the child process under the start label.
It is written such that libmain() and
umain() both take arguments (int argc, char
*argv[]) .
libmain() simply passes its arguments along to umain().
You'll also notice that the entry path also takes
care of the case when a new process is created by the kernel, in which
case no arguments are passed.
The code on the child side has been done for you;
you do not need to make any changes.
Technical Detail: Actually only the argc and the
argv ptr must be placed on the new env's stack. The
argv ptr must point to the &argv[0]
.. &argv[n] array, each of which point to a string. As a
consequence, the &argv[0] .. &argv[n] array and the
"block of strings" can be located anywhere in the new env's address
space--not necessarily on the stack. In practice, we find it convenient to
store all of these values on the stack as has been presented in this
This completes the lab.
Back to Advanced Operating Systems,
Fall 2004