You are expected to understand this. CS 111 Operating Systems Principles, Spring 2005

Preliminary Schedule

CS 111, Fall 2005

Date      Topic      Background reading

Week 0      R 9/29      Course introduction
Scribe notes
     Ch. 3 & 4

F 9/30      Lab: Introduction & Lab 1A

Week 1      T 10/4      OS overview & files
Scribe notes
     Ch. 2.2-2.3, 3.1-3.2

R 10/6      Processes & implementation
Scribe notes
     Ch. 4.6, 6.1-6.4

F 10/7      Lab: Lab 1A due; Lab 1B

Week 2      T 10/11      Processes & threads
Scribe notes
     Ch. 6.5-6.8

R 10/13      Threads & scheduling
Scribe notes
     Ch. 7

F 10/14      Lab: Lab 1B continued

Week 3      T 10/18      Scheduling & a bit of synchronization
Handout - Handout code: Synchronization
Scribe notes
     Ch. 7-8

R 10/20      Synchronization II
Scribe notes
     Ch. 8-9

F 10/21      Lab: Lab 1B due; Lab 2

Week 4      T 10/25      Synchronization objects
Scribe notes
     Ch. 9

R 10/27      Deadlock
Scribe notes
     Ch. 10

F 10/28      Lab: Lab 2 continued

Week 5      T 11/1      I/O interactions, protected mode & interrupts
Handout - Handout code: Lock-free queue
Scribe notes
     Ch. 5

R 11/3      Midterm     

F 11/4      Lab: Lab 2, continued

Week 6      M 11/7      No class scheduled
Lab 2 due

T 11/8      I/O interaction and memory allocation
Scribe notes
     Ch. 4.4-4.5, 11

R 11/10      Virtual memory I
Scribe notes
     Ch. 12.1-12.4

F 11/11      Holiday

Week 7      T 11/15      Virtual memory II, file systems I
Scribe notes
     Ch. 12.5, 12.7, 13.1-13.3, 5.5

R 11/17      File systems II
Scribe notes
     Ch. 13.5-13.7, 5.5

F 11/18      Lab: Lab 3 continued

Week 8      T 11/22      File system consistency
Scribe notes
     No book treatment

W 11/23      No class scheduled
Lab 4 available

R 11/24      Holiday

F 11/25      Holiday

Week 9      M 11/28      Lab 3 due

T 11/29      RAID, Distributed systems I
Scribe notes
     Ch. 15 (background), 17-17.3

R 12/1      Distributed systems II
Scribe notes
     Ch. 16

F 12/2      Lab: Lab 4 continued

Week 10      T 12/6      Security I
Scribe notes

R 12/8      Security II
Scribe notes

F 12/9      Lab: Lab 4 due; review session

     T 12/13      Final (3-6p)