Type-Aware Transactions for Faster Concurrent Code. (PDF) |
Correlating Extracted and Ground-Truth Harmonic Data in Music Retrieval Tasks. (PDF) |
Specifying Crash Safety for Storage Systems. (PDF) |
The Scalable Commutativity Rule: Designing Scalable Software for Multicore Processors. (ACM Digital Library) |
Phase Reconciliation for Contended In-Memory Transactions. (PDF) |
Fast Databases With Fast Durability and Recovery Through Multicore Parallelism. (PDF) |
Accelerating MCMC via Parallel Predictive Prefetching. (PDF) |
Easy Freshness with Pequod Cache Joins. (PDF) |
Speedy Transactions in Multicore In-Memory Databases. (PDF) |
The Scalable Commutativity Rule: Designing Scalable Software for Multicore Processors. (PDF) |
Cache Craftiness for Fast Multicore Key-Value Storage. (PDF) |
Evaluating the suitability of server network cards for software routers. |
The Tenet Architecture for Tiered Sensor Networks. (ACM Digital Library) |
Modular Data Storage with Anvil. (PDF) |
Suelo: Human-Assisted Sensing for Exploratory Soil Monitoring Studies. (PDF) |
Verifying Reference Counting Implementations. (PDF) |
Near-Optimal Radio Use for Wireless Network Synchronization. (PDF) |
Profile for Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) Congestion ID 4: TCP-Friendly Rate Control for Small Packets (TFRC-SP). (text, PDF) |
Reducing Seek Overhead with Application-Directed Prefetching. (PDF) |
Sensor Network Data Fault Types. (ACM Digital Library) |
Can Software Routers Scale?. (PDF) |
Hot Crap!. (PDF) |
Manageable Fine-Grained Information Flow. (PDF) |
Exploring the Robustness of BitTorrent Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution Systems. |
NetComplex: A Complexity Metric for Networked System Designs. (PDF) |
Xoc, An Extension-Oriented Compiler for Systems Programming. (PDF) |
Small Is Not Always Beautiful. (PDF) |
Labels and Event Processes in the Asbestos Operating System. (ACM Digital Library) |
Generalized File System Dependencies. (PDF) |
Information Flow Control for Standard OS Abstractions. (PDF) |
A System for Coarse Grained Memory Protection in Tiny Embedded Processors. (PDF) |
Events Can Make Sense. (PDF) |
Clustering and Sharing Incentives in BitTorrent Systems. (Main site, local PDF [letter paper]) |
Harbor: Software-based Memory Protection for Sensor Nodes. (PDF) |
Observed structure of addresses in IP traffic. (ACM Digital Library) |
Making Information Flow Explicit in HiStar. (PDF) |
The Tenet Architecture for Tiered Sensor Networks. (PDF) |
Capturing High-Frequency Phenomena Using a Bandwidth-Limited Sensor Network. (PDF) |
Designing DCCP: Congestion Control Without Reliability. (PDF, PDF with larger text) |
Software-Based Memory Protection in Sensor Nodes. (PDF) |
Datagram Congestion Control Protocol. (text, PDF) |
Profile for Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) Congestion Control ID 2: TCP-like Congestion Control. (text, PDF) |
Profile for Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) Congestion Control ID 3: TCP-Friendly Rate Control (TFRC). (text, PDF) |
Problem Statement for the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP). (text, PDF) |
Exploiting BitTorrent for Fun (But Not Profit). (PDF) |
Click for Measurement. (PDF) |
Sympathy for the Sensor Network Debugger. (PDF) |
Dynamically Configurable Robotic Sensor Networks (demo abstract). |
Labels and Event Processes in the Asbestos Operating System. (PDF) |
The KudOS Architecture for File Systems. Work-in-progress report. (PDF) |
Making Events Less Slippery with eel. (PDF) |
Make Least Privilege a Right (Not a Privilege). (PDF) |
A Dynamic Operating System for Sensor Nodes. (PDF) |
Designing Extensible IP Router Software. (PDF) |
Get me off your ------- mailing list. (PDF) |
Towards a Debugging System for Sensor Networks. |
Efficiency and Late Data Choice in a User-Kernel Interface for Congestion-Controlled Datagrams. (PDF) |
Distributed Techniques for Area Computation in Sensor Networks. (PDF) |
Sympathy: A Debugging System for Sensor Networks. Short paper. (PDF) |
A Sensor Network Application Construction Kit (SNACK). (PDF) |
MultiQ: Automated Detection of Multiple Bottleneck Capacities Along a Path. (PDF) |
Real-Time Speech Motion Synthesis from Recorded Motions. (PDF) |
M&M: A Passive Toolkit for Measuring, Correlating, and Tracking Path Characteristics. (PDF) |
Internet Research Needs Better Models. (PDF) |
XORP: An Open Platform for Network Research. (PDF) |
Observed structure of addresses in IP traffic. (PDF) |
Programming language optimizations for modular router configurations. (PDF) |
Modular components for network address translation. (PDF) |
The Click modular router. (PDF) |
Programming language techniques for modular router configurations. (PDF) |
The Click modular router. (ACM Digital Library, PDF, PostScript) |
The Click modular router. (PDF, PostScript) |
A readable TCP in the Prolac protocol language. (PDF, PostScript) |
Evolving software with an application-specific language. (PDF) |
Prolac: a language for protocol compilation. (PDF) |