You are expected to understand this. CS 111 Operating Systems Principles, Spring 2005

Preliminary Schedule

CS 111 Section 1, Spring 2005

Week 1      M 4/4      Course introduction
Scribe notes

W 4/6      OS from the top down bottom up & complexity
Scribe notes (PDF)
     Book Ch. 1 & 3
Handout: An Investigation of the Therac-25 Accidents,
Paper Report 1

F 4/8      Lab: Introduction & Lab 1

Week 2      M 4/11      Processes I
Scribe notes (PDF)
     Book Ch. 4-4.5.5, 5.1-5.4

W 4/13      Processes II, signals, threads
Scribe notes (PDF)
Therac-25 report due
     Book Ch. 6-6.3, 6.5, 6.9, 7-7.3

F 4/15      Lab: Lab 1 continued

Week 3      M 4/18      Scheduling
Scribe notes (PDF)
     Book Ch. 7.4-7.7, 7.10

W 4/20      Synchronization & event-driven programming
Flash one-pager due
C code
Scribe notes (PDF)
     Book Ch. 8

F 4/22      Lab: Lab 1 continued

Week 4      M 4/25      More synchronization
C code
Scribe notes (PDF)

W 4/27      Synchronization & deadlock
C code
Scribe notes
     Book Ch. 9

F 4/29      Lab 1 due; Lab 2

Week 5      M 5/2      Midterm     

W 5/4      System calls, protected mode & virtualization
Scribe notes
Disco one-pager due
     Book Ch. 10

F 5/6      Lab

Week 6      M 5/9      Memory allocation and paged virtual memory
Scribe notes
     Book Ch. 2, 13-13.5, 13.7

W 5/11      Memory II: Paging and swapping; I/O
Scribe notes
     Book Ch. 11.5-6, 12-12.5

F 5/13      Lab: Lab 2 due; Lab 3

Week 7      M 5/16      I/O interactions, disk hardware, file systems overview
Scribe notes
     Book Ch. 13, 2.3, 12.1-2

W 5/18      File systems II: Performance, robustness & efficiency
Scribe notes
Soft updates one-pager due
     Book Ch. 11, 12.3-12.8

F 5/20      Lab

Week 8      M 5/23      File systems III: Invariants, log-structured, scheduling, RAID
Scribe notes
     Book Ch. 14.2-14.9

W 5/25      File systems IV: Symbolic links, file systems in memory (VFS)
Scribe notes

F 5/27      Lab: Lab 3 due; Lab 4

Week 9      M 5/30      Holiday

W 6/1      Distributed systems & denial of service
Scribe notes
     Book Ch. 15

F 6/3      Lab

Week 10      M 6/6      Distributed systems II: DSM, RPC, distributed file systems
Scribe notes
     Book Ch. 16, 12.9

W 6/8      Security and protection
Scribe notes
Hints one-pager due
     Book Ch. 18, 19-19.2

F 6/10      Lab: Lab 4 due; review session